
Yanni Chiu yanni at
Fri Sep 15 17:12:40 UTC 2006

stephane ducasse wrote:
> Oscar and Damien did an implementation of join and split and I would  
> really like to ease
> perl people and include such protocols in the next release (with tests)
> Now if would be nice to have a discussion on the implementations

I've also had a brush with Perl, so was looking for join/split too.
Here's what I have. Notice that split: expects a charater argument.
IIRC, the reason I did that was to make it easier to implement the
equivalent method on VAST. Also, the joinWith: doesn't use
nextPutAll:separatedBy: so I could easily implement an equivalent
method in VAST and VW.

SequenceableCollection joinWith: separator
	"Answer a string with elements converted to strings and separated by 

	| ws |
	ws := WriteStream on: (String new: 100).
	self withIndexDo: [:each :i |
		ws nextPutAll: each asString.
		i < self size ifTrue: [ ws nextPutAll: separator ].
	^ws contents

String>>split: ch
	| pieces i prev |
	pieces := OrderedCollection new.
	i := 0.
	[(i := self indexOf: ch startingAt: (prev := i + 1)) == 0] whileFalse:
			[prev < i ifTrue: [pieces add: (self copyFrom: prev to: i - 1)].
			prev == i ifTrue: [pieces add: String new]].
	prev <= self size
		ifTrue: [pieces add: (self copyFrom: prev to: self size)].
	(self isEmpty not and: [self last = ch]) ifTrue: [pieces add: String new].

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