Strongtalk VM for Squeak

Yanni Chiu yanni at
Tue Sep 19 04:32:33 UTC 2006

Jecel Assumpcao Jr wrote:
> Strongtalk is like Self in that it has a code generator.

Thanks for clearing that up.

>>However, the strong typing aspects may be worth porting,
>>if the additional type information can be used to speed up
>>execution somehow.
> It has no effect on performance at all, but is still interesting for
> other reasons.

That's somewhat surprising. So, the only thing keeping Java (the
language) in the static typing world, is stubbornness.

It seems to me that adding strong typing (or whatever the correct
term is) to Squeak would chip away a one more perceived "deficiency",
and win some political points in the "language wars". That should
end the arguments: we've got both.

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