[ANN] DynamicProtocols version 28

Damien Cassou damien.cassou at laposte.net
Fri Sep 22 07:20:34 UTC 2006

stephane ducasse a écrit :
>> Can you explain what is the problem with preferences ?
> I will try :)
> Putting a preference is often a lack of decision. (i'm talking about 
> overuse of preferences here)
> Preferences are kind of global variables and the logic is often not that 
> cool.
> They often seems to me like an easy way to avoid consistency and 
> discussion to reach that point.
> So in general I would prefer a better (mean more consistent feel for 
> example in the UI)
> than having a preference. Preferences on mac for examples are more for 
> default information
> you fill in.
> But preferences are difficult because they arrive when an application is 
> mature and need configuration.
> Eclipse is facing the same. So my first reaction is general is to be 
> skeptical.

What do you think about preferences to activate/deactivate protocols ?

What do you think about a preference to set the number of second before 
which a modification is considered recent ?

And a preference to let the user choose after which line a method is 
considered long ?

Damien Cassou

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