VM freeze and crash when saving

David T. Lewis lewis at mail.msen.com
Fri Apr 6 15:23:35 UTC 2007

On Fri, Apr 06, 2007 at 04:25:09PM +0200, Florian Minjat wrote:
> Ok I don't understand a thing sometimes.
> After all this trouble to make this work, I tried again to create a 
> forked image.
> And it worked !
> No idea what changed. Because I saved my image under another name when 
> I got vmmaker and all the stuff to build the plugin. So I though it 
> could come from the installation of vmmaker.
> But when I rolled back to my previous image, it worked too...
> So now I use a forked vm to save my image and another forked vm to 
> save my bdd.
> Hope this will stay stable.

I think that the problem with #forkSqueak will come back again.
It was probably caused by some restriction on the ISP server.
For example, when your production image gets very large, you may
find that the #forkSqueak no longer works (I am only guessing
of course). For this reason, I suggest you have some kind of
log file to keep track of whether the backups succeed. You
could have the background Squeak (the one doing the actual
save) write something to a log file when it is done, or you
can have the foreground Squeak check the status of the
background Squeak (#succeeded or #isComplete) to see if it
ran successfully. Also you know that if the background
Squeak has a pid of -1, then the fork must have failed, so
can watch for that specific problem.

> Thanks a lot for the help.



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