what is the status of the font rendering

Brad Fuller brad at bradfuller.com
Fri Apr 20 21:27:21 UTC 2007

Andrew Tween wrote:
>> it doesn't page up and page down the way you might have intended it to.
> "FontListMenuMorph>>displayFiltered: evt" doesn't seem to work. At least
> I bodged together the paging font picker, and it works ok for me on Linux
> (Fedora & openSUSE).
> Try clicking on the page up / page down items rather than using the keyboard.
> And be patient, it sometimes takes a few seconds to render the next page.
> All the font picker menus need improving, but the problem is due to the number
> of available fonts, not FreeType per se.
(yeah, I know it's because of the number of fonts presented in the menu.)

I don't see a page up or a page down item. I was able to pick up the
menu (by selecting between the font listing) and by moving it around I
can see I end up with one long menu - containing the complete list of
fonts. Seems rather strange.
This is the developer's image, maybe that has something to do with it.

(I'm running gentoo)

Thanks for the work, Andy!

brad fuller
+1 (408) 799-6124

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