Plan for 3.10 iteration 2

Andreas Wacknitz A.Wacknitz at
Sun Apr 22 12:07:06 UTC 2007

Damien Cassou schrieb:
> 2007/4/22, Ralph Johnson <johnson at>:
>> How do you reload eToys?  As you know, my goal is that as much as
>> possible should be taken out of the image and loaded.  So, if you can
>> reload it then I am in favor ot taking it out.  We will need some
>> tests for it, so we know it has been reloaded successfully.
>> Damien, it sounded to me that Edgar said that the image still needed a
>> lot of work.  So, yu should not base swueak-dev on it.  Instead, you
>> should make sure squeak-dev works on both the current 3.10 and
>> 3.10alpha7091W
> Squeak-dev image version 115 is based on 3.10alpha7091 (with etoys and
> nebraska). I'm currently working with it and it works very well. No
> problem detected.
Hello Damien,

I am using your dev-Images, too. Alas I have problems with it.
For example:
1. Start the Refactoring Browser.
    Select a unary message selector. Press "R"-button and then "Method" 
-> "10. Rename Method".
    Enter a new name and accept it.
    => MNU: BrowserRequestor>>getArgumentPermutation

2. Open the Preferences Browser.
    Select "general" category. Select "bigDisplay" and revert the selection.
    Now a TTCFont schema is active.
    Create a new morphic project. Enter this new project and then return 
to the previous.
    => MNU: TTCFont>>fontArray
    This is bug #5451 and it also happens in 3.10 alpha.


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