[ANN][Squeak-dev Images] Version 07.08.1

Damien Cassou damien.cassou at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 14:21:56 UTC 2007

Squeak-dev image is an image made for squeak developers.
Squeak-web image is an image made for squeak web developers based on
the Squeak-dev image.

More information is available at: http://damien.cassou.free.fr/squeak-dev.html

I've updated all images. These new versions are mostly bug fixes. They
will be integrated into the Squeak DVD so please test them and report
bugs as soon as possible.

Contained packages:

This image contains the following packages:

AST version 147
AutomaticMethodCategorizer version 0.24
AutomaticMethodCategorizerServices version 0.2
ClassSelectorSets version 1
DynamicProtocols version 0.53
eCompletion version 0.88
eCompletion-Traits version 0.1
eCompletionOmniBrowser version 0.2
Installer version 1.0.130
OmniBrowser version 0.382
OmniBrowser-Full version 0.24
OmniBrowser-Morphic version 0.28
OmniBrowser-Refactory version 0.30
OmniBrowser-Standard version 0.282
OmniBrowser-SUnitIntegration version 0.5
OmniBrowser-TraitsIntegration version 0.1
Refactoring Engine version 37
RoelTyper version 0.60
ScriptManager version 0.6
Shout version 3.15-tween.70
ShoutWorkspace version 1-tween.1
SmaCC runtime version 13
Squeak dev packages version 0.13
SUnit version 0.33
Universes version 32
Universes OmniBrowser version 0.32
YAXO version 9

Updating the image:

You are not obliged to download a new image if you don't want. You can
always update your image.

To upgrade your already existing squeak-dev image:

1) World menu->open...->Package Universe Browser
2) Update list from network
3) Select all upgrades
4) Install selection
5) Execute: 'DEVImageCreator default install' (all windows will be closed)

Prepared packages:

There are a lot of packages prepared for you in this image. They are
not loaded in the image, but they can be easily.

- Open Package Universe Browser (world->open...->Package Universe Browser).
- Click on "Update list from network"
- Wait a few seconds
- Select your packages
- Install them

Damien Cassou

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