TimeZone setup, as simple as possible

Janko Mivšek janko.mivsek at eranova.si
Tue Aug 21 21:25:10 UTC 2007

Philippe Marschall wrote:

>>>> I'm just going through the challenge to set a local timezone correctly
>>>> and I'm wondering why there is no something as simple as:
>>>>         TimeZone setLocal: 'CET'
>>>> to set my timezone?
>>> With Chronos you can use:
>>> (Timezone at: #'CET') beSystem
>> That's better, but you need to load Chronos.
> Yeah, packages must be loaded like Swazoo or SPort.

Sure, but TimeZone is already there and what is missing is one or two 
additional methods which will ease timezone setup.

One simple method! Why is that obviously so hard to do? Smalltalk is 
famous because it grown out of simple but consistent implementation of 
few basic ideas, why wouldn't we continue that tradition in such a small 
case as is this timezone setup?


>> Question is, wouldn't be
>> fine if something like that would be in a default squeak image?
> You mean like setting the locale to the correct value?
> http://www.chronos-st.org/Discovering%20the%20Local%20Time%20Zone--Why%20It's%20a%20Hard%20Problem.html
> Cheers
> Philippe
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server

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