FunSqueak going well

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at
Tue Dec 4 22:32:37 UTC 2007

To all and special to Friends.

Here is the first photo of FunSqueak I take to Buenos Aires next Tuesday

More old friends coming (Wonderland) , more polished thanks to Bug Hunter
(wiz) finds and reports in Mantis.

I add some for he polish here, we have proper IconicButtons again on Object

So, if still you miss some of older or inusual Squeak, wish some pet project
show to crows in Smalltaks 2007, I listening.


Pict is too big for list, I put in FunSqueak page.
Also any comment and feedback

-------------- next part --------------
'From FunSqueak3.10alpha of 19 November 2007 [latest update: #1] on 4 December 2007 at 4:08:49 pm'!

!ObjectsTool methodsFor: 'categories' stamp: 'edc 12/4/2007 15:34'!
showCategory: aCategoryName fromButton: aButton 
	"Project items from the given category into my lower pane"
	| quads |
	"self partsBin removeAllMorphs. IMHO is redundant, "
	Cursor wait
		showWhile: [quads := OrderedCollection new.
			Morph withAllSubclasses
				do: [:aClass | aClass theNonMetaClass
						addPartsDescriptorQuadsTo: quads
						if: [:aDescription | aDescription translatedCategories includes: aCategoryName]].
			quads := quads
						asSortedCollection: [:q1 :q2 | q1 third <= q2 third].
			self installQuads: quads fromButton: aButton]! !

!PartsBin methodsFor: '*BabySRE-connectors-initialization' stamp: 'edc 12/4/2007 16:01'!
listDirection: aListDirection quadList: quadList buttonClass: buttonClass
	"Initialize the receiver to run horizontally or vertically, obtaining its elements from the list of tuples of the form:
		(<receiver> <selector> <label> <balloonHelp>)"

	| aButton aClass |
	self layoutPolicy: TableLayout new.
	self listDirection: aListDirection.
	self wrapCentering: #topLeft.
	self layoutInset: 2.
	self cellPositioning: #bottomCenter.

	aListDirection == #leftToRight
			[self vResizing: #rigid.
			self hResizing: #spaceFill.
			self wrapDirection: #topToBottom]
			[self hResizing: #rigid.
			self vResizing: #spaceFill.
			self wrapDirection: #leftToRight].
	quadList do:
		[:tuple |
			aClass _ Smalltalk at: tuple first.
			aButton _ buttonClass new .
			aButton color: self color;
		initializeToShow: (self class thumbnailForQuad: tuple) withLabel:  tuple third andSend: tuple second to: aClass.
			(tuple size > 3 and: [tuple fourth isEmptyOrNil not]) ifTrue:
				[aButton setBalloonText: tuple fourth].
 			self addMorphBack: aButton].
! !

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