Process>>terminate woes

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Wed Dec 5 16:44:24 UTC 2007

Lukas Renggli wrote:
>> I've also noticed that Process>>isTerminated is not thread-safe...
> And #signalException:

Good one. Yes, this needs fixing.
My suggestion would be (with the other changes):

signalException: anException
   | oldList |
   self isActiveProcess ifTrue: [^anException signal].

   "Suspend myself first to ensure that I won't run away in the
    midst of the following modifications."
   oldList := self suspend.

   "Add a new method context to the stack that will signal the exception"
   suspendedContext := MethodContext
		sender: suspendedContext
		receiver: self
		method: (self class lookupSelector: #pvtSignal:list:)
		arguments: (Array with: anException with: oldList).

   "If we were on a list to run, then suspend and restart the receiver
   (this lets the receiver run if it is currently blocked on a 
semaphore).  If
   we are not on a list to be run (i.e. this process is suspended), then 
when the
   process is resumed, it will signal the exception"

   oldList ifNotNil: [self resume].

   - Andreas

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