Making Squeak more accessible and used - reversing the trend

Klaus D. Witzel klaus.witzel at
Tue Feb 6 15:25:12 UTC 2007

On Tue, 06 Feb 2007 09:08:54 +0100, Stéphane Rollandin wrote:
> Brad Fuller wrote:
>>  Thus, it
>> arises that on every opportunity for attacking the reformer, his
>> opponents do so with the zeal of partisans, the others only defend him
>> half-heartedly, so that between them he runs great danger."
>>  1513 AD Machiavelli
> this is very true of any truggle for power, like in politics, economy,  
> and war.
> but I fail to see any need for such struggle in computer science. Squeak  
> is an open source project and as such does not have to fight anything.  
> if we just make it as good as we can, according to our own elitist and  
> knowledgeable idea of "good", then that is enough.

+ (1 big)

> I do not see the point in having anyone to convince, nor any fight to  
> figh, nor any product to sell. let's just be free of struggle,  
> intelligent and creative. let's just build a beautiful piece of  
> software, end even if it takes 50 years for its quality to be somewhat  
> largely recognized (as it happens to Lisp nowadays), well what is the  
> problem ?

Yeah, there are so many open source projects, see for example yesterday's  
"How To Tell Open-Source Winners From Losers"


but only so few programming languages ;-)


> Stef

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