Command Line Squeak/Scripting: Status?

stephane ducasse stephane.ducasse at
Fri Feb 9 14:30:14 UTC 2007

Mathieu should release sapphire soon but he got a tooth problem.
And I would love to have clients that complain :)


> Hi everyone!
> I'm curious about what the status of a Squeak setup for scripting  
> is, specifically for Linux?  My end goal is being able to tell a  
> user or run programmatically from another script a Squeak script by  
> typing something like:
> ./hallowelt.sq
> where hallowelt.sq is a file like-
> #!/usr/bin/squeak -filein
> Transcript show: 'Hello World'; cr.
> I also would really, really like, the ability to pass command line  
> arguments, so:
> ./hallowelt2.sq Aaron
> #!/usr/bin/squeak -filein
> Transcript show: 'Hello World ';
> 	show: (Argv at: 2);
> 	cr.
> I don't need anything very fancy, nor do I need a certain version  
> of the image or much in the way of library support. The one library  
> I do need is PostgreSQL suport.  In my newish job, I'm starting to  
> move various reports that pull data from a super flexible object- 
> relational database setup from Java to Python. I'd like to do this  
> in Squeak, obviously! But due to a few factors, the first couple  
> I've done are in Python.  I don't need to do any elaborate stuff, I  
> don't need a curses interface, etc. I'm fine with most of it all  
> being in the image, with the hallowelt.sq file in this example  
> being nothing other than something that runs the squeak VM but some  
> how tells the image to run a certain script through a command line  
> argument.   I'd do development on a regular Squeak VM on my Mac,  
> then deploy to the server where someone else would run the reports.
> Worst case I could roll this myself, skipping commandline arguments  
> and using config files that the report-runner has to edit to  
> specify the date range rather than just doing it on the command  
> line. But I'd rather a more Unix-feeling solution. I personally  
> don't need anything like input and output through pipes, but I  
> might find a use for them later if the option was there.
> So, what's up with Squeak for this sort of setup? What are my  
> options? Do I have any useable ones?
> Regards,
> Aaron

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