Towards a better IDE in Squeak

David Röthlisberger squeak at
Mon Feb 19 10:31:29 UTC 2007

Hello Klaus,

> what's badly missing in "modern" IDEs is the possibility to write 
> integrated documentation in form of stories. Having just a 1:n 
> correspondence between system category and classes, message category and 
> methods, is [in non-trivial cases] insufficient for describing "why and 
> how this works" and "what, in terms of entities, is this *all* about" 
> and moreover to ask for "what parts of the system have no integrated 
> documentation".
> I'd like to be able to drag'n'drop links to "browser accessible 
> objects", into an integrated document and write a story "around" the links.
> Classes, variables, categories, messages, statements, literals, all 
> should be accessible by such link.
> With integrated I mean, at minimum, that when browsing for senders, 
> implementors, variables and other references, then the result list must 
> also turn up the integrated documentation (which containes the links as 
> described).
> Another aspect of the integrated documentation is that it can (must!) 
> outdate when, for example, things are renamed or deleted. Imagine a doIt 
> for "browse outdated documentation" ;-)

Thanks, this is a very interesting point! Having that would be indeed 
useful and of great value.
I will add this point to my list.

> For the empirical case study: count me in, I'm used to be electronically 
> investigated :)

Thanks, I appreciate. :)


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