Could we fix the web site

Karl karl.ramberg at
Sat Jan 6 17:53:10 UTC 2007

stephane ducasse wrote:
> Hi karl
> my point is about the place of the news on the web site. I think that 
> we need something that anybody (and certainly someone
> evaluating me can understand). When people click on my cv on the 
> squeak web site, it should be great.
> And the news section should not be the top items. Or I can remove all 
> the links I have on my sites and cv to but this
> would be sad because imagine a person not knowing anything about 
> squeak going to the site and reading the first paragraph right now.
The first paragraph is about the OLPC which has Squeak as part of it's 
software. I would consider that a very big news item.
The frontpage got very static and nobody updated it and nobody wants to 
lead the web team so this was a good solution for us, since a webpage 
that newer changes is a dead webpage, at least in my book.

>>> Stef
>> The news feed is from so if you join the news team 
>> you will be able to post directly.
> I do not want. I have nothing against news and I have nothing to say.
I find that hard to believe ;-)
>> Typos and other standards of posting to the news feed should probably 
>> be addressed to the news team.
>> Karl

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