Form A PR Committee

karl karl.ramberg at
Mon Jan 8 20:42:20 UTC 2007

Todd Blanchard skrev:
> No, we would have all new problems. :-)
Be careful not to think people think you are a spammer.
There was a story in digg about some guy just posting his web url in a 
signature on a comment, and he got lot's of bad attention.
The same happened to the Dabble story, lot's of 'this is spam' comments.

Blogging is maybe the least intrusive self promotion and can generate a 
lot of attention if conducted persistently and
with a long term focus. James Robertson has a very well known blog, it 
was listed on a top 500 blogs some time ago
Take a look at his posting history
It takes dedication.


> Seriously, I support this.  I have no skills in PR, but I do think we 
> don't do a good job of messaging the outside world.  
> Another thing that can be done, if you blog about software, is to 
> register your blog in the buzz section on  They tend to be 
> java focused, but the buzz section is pretty much a blog news 
> aggregator - whatever you post gets echoed into the stream.  There are 
> probably more tech aggregators that could be tapped by publishing RSS 
> feeds.
> -Todd Blanchard
> On Jan 8, 2007, at 11:28 AM, Chris Cunnington wrote:
>> If Karl Rove worked for Squeak our problems would be over with very, very
>> quickly. ;)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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