Ergonomics - Rant

Damien Cassou damien.cassou at
Tue Jul 17 20:12:57 UTC 2007

2007/7/17, Blake <blake at>:
> On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 12:32:32 -0700, Todd Blanchard <tblanchard at>
> wrote:
> > I'm quite willing to agree that I might not be typical - but that's how
> > I work - successive approximations of proper code rather than left to
> > right perfection.
> I work uch the same way; I find the auto-parens to be a wash as far as
> time-saving.
> When they irritate me sufficiently, I turn them off.

They irritated me too at the beginning. But I thought they can be
useful so I tried to get used to. Now, I think I'm more efficient with

When I want to enclose an expression, I first select the expression
then write an open parenthesis. This writes the close parenthesis too.

Damien Cassou

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