[ANN][Squeak-dev Beta Image] Version sq3.10-7130dev07.07.1

Damien Cassou damien.cassou at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 18:26:05 UTC 2007

Squeak-dev image is an image made for squeak developers.

*Important notice:* This version is based on Squeak 3.10 7130.

You can download it here:

This version contains a lot of new and exciting features:

- OmniBrowser (OB) finally selects the --All-- method category per default
- icons and colors are now possible on each node
- the mercury panel (input field on top of all OB browsers) is now
really usable: there is a balloon with documentation, the browser
which appears is a specific browser with lots of cool features,
dedicated to searches. For example, you can for OB*Browser to open a
search browser on all classes whose names match OB*Browser.
- the sender and implementor browsers display messages that are not
sender or implementor anymore "struck out"
- "Find method wildcard" is now available in OB too
- A context menu on the packages now let you select amongst recently
browsed classes
- OB is more portable (a GemStone port is being developed)
- Under the hood massive changes
- Lots of bug fixes and code cleaning
- eCompletion does not consider < to be a smart character anymore

I would like to thank the following people for their recent and
impressive work on the OmniBrowser framework (alphabetically):

Cédrick Béler
Colin Putney
Duncan Mak
David Mitchell
David Röthlisberger
Piers Cawley

(I hope I do not forget anyone)

More features will soon be available for OmniBrowser :

- No more package categories on the first pane: now, it will contain
Monticello packages and you will be able to publish, load, merge
directly from OB.
- UML diagrams automatically generated for your code
- ...

Contained packages:

This image contains the following packages:

AST version 144
AutomaticMethodCategorizer version 0.24
AutomaticMethodCategorizerServices version 0.2
ClassSelectorSets version 1
DynamicProtocols version 0.53
eCompletion version 0.88
eCompletion-Traits version 0.1
eCompletionOmniBrowser version 0.2
Installer version 1.0.92
OmniBrowser version 0.380
OmniBrowser-Full version 0.24
OmniBrowser-Morphic version 0.23
OmniBrowser-Refactory version 0.27
OmniBrowser-Standard version 0.271
OmniBrowser-SUnitIntegration version 0.2
OmniBrowser-TraitsIntegration version 0.1
Refactoring Engine version 37
RoelTyper version 0.60
ScriptManager version 0.6
Shout version 3.15-tween.70
ShoutWorkspace version 1-tween.1
SmaCC runtime version 13
Squeak dev packages version 0.13
SUnit version 0.33
Universes version 32
Universes OmniBrowser version 0.32
YAXO version 9

pdating the image:

You are not obliged to download a new image if you don't want. You can
always update your image.

To upgrade your already existing squeak-dev image:

1) World menu->open...->Package Universe Browser
2) Update list from network
3) Select all upgrades
4) Install selection
5) Execute: 'DEVImageCreator default install' (all windows will be closed)

Prepared packages:

There are a lot of packages prepared for you in this image. They are
not loaded in the image, but they can be easily.

- Open Package Universe Browser (world->open...->Package Universe Browser).
- Click on "Update list from network"
- Wait a few seconds
- Select your packages
- Install them

Damien Cassou

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