[ANN] Slowly testing Nile in the image

Damien Cassou damien.cassou at gmail.com
Sat Jul 28 09:33:26 UTC 2007

Hi Stéphane,

2007/7/27, stephane ducasse <stephane.ducasse at free.fr>:
> could you identify what is not available in Nile to perform such change?

This is why I slowly replace by Nile. It helps me identify what is
missing in Nile. I've already implemented some missing methods.

The only incompatibility I have found is #back:

((ReadStream on: 'abc') next: 2; yourself) back.       => $a.

((NSReadableCollectionStream on: 'abc') next: 2; yourself) back.      => $b

I don't want to follow the Squeak version here. For Squeak, there is a
current element, a previous element and a future element. In all the
documents I read, the position is always between 2 elements, so, there
is no current element.

Damien Cassou

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