Error: Invalid utf8 input detected [was: [ANN][Squeak-dev Beta Image] Version sq3.10-7130dev07.07.1]

Klaus D. Witzel klaus.witzel at
Sat Jul 28 15:29:05 UTC 2007

On Sat, 28 Jul 2007 15:54:16 +0200, Edgar J. De Cleene wrote:
> El 7/28/07 9:10 AM, "Edgar J. De Cleene" <edgardec2001 at>
> escribió:
>> El 7/28/07 9:01 AM, "Klaus D. Witzel" <klaus.witzel at> escribió:
>>> (there was no update pending for the
>>> .image) and thank you Andreas for the copy&paste-friendly VM.
>> Just I found the updates exist, but some mistake in 7030 don't let  
>> download
>> it.
>> The last was now 7137.
>> Anyway , as I said to Damien, in some point today I put a new image.
>> And send some dirty trick to list for people working hard as you could  
>> load
>> the updates in 7030.
>> Edgar
> No dirty tricks.
> Hit again your updates button on 7130. should reach 7137
> Any have good memory pills ?

Update button now took the image to #7137 but the TestCases abort with  
Syntax Error on UndefinedObject, showing code

| m |
(m:= RBNamespace
			onEnvironment: ((ClassEnvironment onEnvironment: BrowserEnvironment new)
					classes: (#(#ConcreteSubclass #ConcreteSuperclass #NoMoveSubclass)
							inject: OrderedCollection new
								[:sum :each |
								| class |
								class := Smalltalk at: each ifAbsent: [nil].
								class notNil ifTrue: [sum add: class].
								, (#(#ConcreteSubclass #ConcreteSuperclass #NoMoveSubclass)
										inject: OrderedCollection new
											[:sum :each |
											| class |
											class := Smalltalk at: each ifAbsent: [nil].
											class notNil ifTrue: [sum add: class class].
		name: 'Test'.
#('ConcreteSuperclass subclass: #NoMoveSubclass
	instanceVariableNames: ''''
	classVariableNames: ''''
	poolDictionaries: ''''
	category: ''Testing''' 'Object subclass: #ConcreteSuperclass
	instanceVariableNames: ''instVarName1 instVarName2 ''
	classVariableNames: ''ClassVarName1 ClassVarName2 ''
	poolDictionaries: ''''
	category: 'Testing''' 'ConcreteSuperclass subclass: #ConcreteSubclass
	instanceVariableNames: ''''
	classVariableNames: ''''
	poolDictionaries: ''''
	category: ''Testing''')
	do: [:each | m defineClass: each].
(m metaclassNamed: #ConcreteSuperclass)
	addInstanceVariable: 'classInstVarName1'.
#(#(#ConcreteSubclass #(#('initialize
	super initialize.
	instVarName1 := nil' #everyone) #('different
	^0' #everyone))) #(#ConcreteSuperclass #(#('same
	^self initialize isKindOf: ConcreteSuperclass' #'one def') #('different
	^instVarName1 + instVarName2' #everyone) #('initialize
	instVarName1 := instVarName2 := ClassVarName1 := ClassVarName2 := 0'  
#everyone))) #(#NoMoveSubclass #(#('same
	^123' #'one def'))) #('ConcreteSubclass class' #(#('bar
	^self storeString' #testing))) #('ConcreteSuperclass class' #(#('foo
	^classInstVarName1 + ClassVarName1 + ClassVarName2' #testing) #('new
	^super new initialize' #testing) #('bar
	^self printString' #testing))) #('NoMoveSubclass classUnmatched string  
quote ->' #()))
		[:each |
		| class |
		class := m classNamed: each first.
		each last do: [:meth | class compile: meth first classified: meth last]].


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