Saving a headless image in linux problem

David T. Lewis lewis at
Tue Mar 20 23:19:13 UTC 2007

On Tue, Mar 20, 2007 at 06:48:12PM -0300, Sebastian Sastre wrote:
> I didn't tried those. Perhaps I will but right now I was trying to not make
> it manually. I have a script to start and stop the service. For stop I can
> send a SIGTERM or a SIGQUIT. With OSProcess I have in the image aProductor
> object that catches the OS signals and quit the image with or without saving
> depending on the signal sent.


You probably know this already but I will mention just in case, you
can use "UnixProcess saveImageInBackgroundNicely" to do the actual
image save. This does the image save in a background unix process so
Squeak does not have to stop while writing the files.


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