Beginning with TraitsOmniBrowser...

Elod Kironsky kironsky at
Fri Mar 23 09:55:43 UTC 2007

Damien Cassou wrote:
> Hi Elod,
> 2007/3/21, Elod Kironsky <kironsky at>:
>> I just downloaded and started Damien's squeak-dev-93. Gratz for that
>> Damien, great work! Currently I'm working on a client API for SmallDEVS
>> and we decided to give Traits a tryout. For that I need
>> TraitsOmniBrowser.
> No, you don't need TraitsOmniBrowser to use traits. The classical
> OmniBrowser-Standard already handles traits. What TraitsOmniBrowser
> brings is another view on classes. With it, you will be able to easily
> browse the traits a class uses.
That's exactly what I needed.
>> I dowloaded that from and loaded
>> into the image. Everything went fine until now, but when I try to 
>> execute
>> OBTraitStructureBrowser open.
>> I get an MessageNotUnderstood in OBTraitStructureBrowser class >>
>> addTo:class:comment:metaclass:. It seems that the classes
>> OBCategoryActor and OBClassActor are not present in the system. My
>> question is, where can I find these classes?
> In fact, TraitsOmniBrowser depends on an old version of OmniBrowser
> and TraitsOmniBrowser is not maintained anymore.
Sad, lets hope SoC will change this. I thought it is still supported as 
you have made changes
not so long ago.
> You have two solutions:
> - use the version 83 of the squeak-dev image which contains the old
> version of OB.  Then use SqueakSource to load the TraitsOB (do NOT use
> the prepared packages which are brocken for TraitsOB).
I would rather stick to 93.
> - don't use TraitsOB: this is what I'm doing. Some features are
> missing but it works.
Actually I figured out, that if I install TraitsOmniBrowser into 
squeak-dev-93, it
slightly changes the behavior of OmniBrowser (traits are green, I can 
see methods
aquired through traits, etc.) It is far from perfect, very slow but usable.


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