Squeak-dev/Squeak-web image v95-2

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Fri Mar 30 18:16:16 UTC 2007

El 3/30/07 11:45 AM, "Tim Johnson" <trilobyte at hoe.nu> escribió:

> Ah well; good thing I learned Pascal in high school.  The ol' fingers
> still have some memory for typing := after :=.  Still, I resist having to
> change just because some other Smalltalks aren't cool enough to avoid
> international standards and use their own character set ;)
I always said have Pascal in my Rom brain.
But also we could have <- in Squeak, is two chars and unique and for
standards read  http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/5914


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