[ANN] Documentation for Omnibrowser

Damien Cassou damien.cassou at gmail.com
Thu May 3 12:31:30 UTC 2007

2007/5/3, Derek O'Connell <doconnel at gmail.com>:
> Oh dear. This is one of my pet niggles about the current state of
> affairs re various releases, ie, it's difficult, for me at least and I
> suspect others, to choose and stick to one image. A quick search of my
> top level Squeak directory gives me ~1G of image files! I'm partly to
> blame since during my experiment-by-loading-everything-in-sight
> sessions I will typically download and use the image that
> works/supports whatever particular package I'm investigating at that
> time. Consequently I have various experimental code scatter over many
> of these 32 images and you can guarantee that if I export a change-set
> it won't cleanly import into another image. Hopefully I will
> eventually reach the skill level that allows me to fix things on the
> fly in these situations but I have to say even when I reach that level
> I still won't look forward to doing it because it happens too often
> and would be a distraction from my whatever I'm doing (Squeak-wise).
> True it would provide good learning experience but for a newbie(ish)
> it sorely dents my motivation.
> I not blaming you, Damien, or anyone else specifically for this but
> then the multitude of ways to load stuff into Squeak or update
> existing packages, not to mention the "Update" button, leaves me in
> total confusion about the best way to keep current without breaking
> things. Thoughts on this as well as ways to manage various unrelated
> bits of code are more than welcome!

I have exactly the same problem :-) I want to have the very last
possible versions of the tools I use. This is why I maintain
squeak-dev and squeak-web. Everyday, before starting working, I
decompress the last squeak-dev image version and I load my code in
using Monticello. I even change my image more than once a day. This is
to be sure my code can be loaded from scratch.

Damien Cassou

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