Conference on Dynamic Languages - Submission System Opened

Noury Bouraqadi bouraqadi at
Mon May 14 09:02:32 UTC 2007

Message from the Conference on Dynamic Languages chair.

Début du message réexpédié :

> This is to notify all potentially interested that the submission  
> system for the International Conference on Dynamic Languages (the  
> ESUG2007 peer reviewed paper session) is now opened.
> Papers (max. 25 pages, references included) should be in pdf-format  
> and are too be submitted through a web-service located at
> The Call for papers is provided below.
> International Conference on Dynamic Languages
>   -- Call for papers --
> 15th International Smalltalk Joint Conference 2007
> Lugano, Switzerland, 25-31 August 2007
> Although Smalltalk is one of the oldest object-oriented programming  
> languages, its conception and programming environment can still be  
> considered as a design pearl and as a beacon in the realm of  
> programming languages and programming environments. Other dynamic  
> languages (such as Lisp, Scheme, Self,...) were similarly  
> influential in expanding what software engineers can express with  
> their programs. With the rising popularity of languages like Ruby,  
> Python, Javascrip, PHP, and with the growing challenges of aspect- 
> orientation, pervasive computing, mobile code, and contextaware  
> computing, dynamic languages are a worthy topic for further  
> research. Therefore, ESUG decided to broaden the scope of the  
> formerly "Smalltalk only" research track of its yearly meeting in  
> order to enable cross-fertilization with research conducted using  
> other dynamic languages. This way we hope to obtain more  
> significant scientific results on various aspects of dynamicity in  
> programming languages.
> Therefore this international conference invites research papers  
> that report on original scientific research conducted in and/or  
> dynamic programming languages.
> Important dates:
>   - Submission Deadline: Sunday 27th May, 2007, 0hrs CET.
>   - Notification of acceptance: 1rst of July 2007.
>   - Final Submission: 1st August 2007.

Dr. Noury Bouraqadi - Enseignant/Chercheur
Responsable de l'option I.S.I.C.
ARMINES - Ecole des Mines de Douai - Dept. I.A.

European Smalltalk Users Group Board

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