My namespace proposal described in Yet Another Try

Ramon Leon ramon.leon at
Thu Oct 4 22:23:20 UTC 2007

> Traits got in.

That they did, but were there any alternative implementations to argue over?
Traits seems to be the exception rather than the rule.  You are right about
something though, if Gorans proposal works well, I should be happy loading
the packing and just using it.  

The problem is, there's more than one package using custom parsers, like the
RefactoringBrowser and Shout that I rely on that aren't likely to be fixed
unless they have to be, which is why I want something in the main image.
Otherwise I'm stuck begging for patches they have no reason to actually
support, or trying to fix things myself.  If something's put in the core,
everyone has to support it.

Like I said previously, I don't actually think anyone's approach will be
accepted. I fully expect the status quo to be maintained, I'm just hopeful
that eventually, something will get done.

Ramon Leon  

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