web dev image, problem with testing

Jason Johnson jason.johnson.081 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 15:59:02 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I am running Squeak web dev image: web07.08.1.  I have a test that
uses a class side collection variable, where I check upon entry to the
test method that the collection is empty.  Strangely enough, this
assertion failed with one of my tests (it shouldn't as all tests end
by clearing the variable).  This particular test did have some code in
it that would fail, but it was a ways after the size check.  When I
ran it through the debugger it worked to the real fail point, where I
fixed it.  After that the test worked.

So, is it possible that the tester in this image is restarting tests
that fail for some reason?  The behavior is as if the test ran to the
fail point, then restarted the method from the beginning.  And the
first time this happened, I think it did this twice before failing, as
my collection that should have been empty had 4 elements.  Twice what
that test would enter.


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