ByteSymbol (#primitivePushFalse) does not understand #coerceTo:sim:

Rob Withers reefedjib at
Wed Oct 24 23:03:16 UTC 2007

I am trying to run the InterpreterSimulatorLSB and I am getting an error.

In #addNewMethodToCache, this line of code is called: 
    self cCoerce: primitiveFunctionPointer to: 'long'

where self is the IntepreterSimulatorLSB instance and primitiveFunctionPointer is #primitivePushFalse.  This results in ByteSymbol (#primitivePushFalse) does not understand #coerceTo:sim:.  It looks as if it is expecting an Integer or an Array as the value of primitiveFunctionPointer.  Can anyone shed some light here?  
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