[Q] Linux and localAddress

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Mon Oct 29 20:18:22 UTC 2007

El 10/29/07 4:24 PM, "subbukk" <subbukk at gmail.com> escribió:

> On Linux, you can get the first global ip address with the command (all in one
> line):
> ip -o addr show scope global | awk '{print substr($4,1,index($4,"/")-1);
> exit}'
> Hope this helps .. Subbu

Thanks, I learning a lot of all you.

I need from inside Squeak

I confirm I could send socket data and Nebraska from Linux to Mac but not
And can't connect to swiki running on the Linux box with
but same image and setup works on Mac and Windows XP.
Once the connection is established I could have the ip via the live socket
| s |
s := Socket new.
s connecTo: "here mac or Windows ip " port: 8000

s inspect.

And here self localAddress gives the intended ip

Seems I don't setup well some in the Linux box.


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