#copyStack on Error

James Foster Smalltalk at JGFoster.net
Tue Oct 30 16:29:27 UTC 2007

Rob Withers wrote:
> Let's say I have a process which is consuming events off of a queue.  
> I don't want the process to ever terminate.  If the handling of one of 
> these events results in an Error, even a Halt, this process will be 
> opened in the Debugger and the user could choose to abandon or 
> terminate at will.  Is it possible to copyStack the activeProcess and 
> open that stack in the Debugger for the user.  This way if the User 
> terminates the process, it won't affect the main process.
> I wonder though, if the user resumes, will two proceses be consuming 
> events from the queue?  Perhaps I can copyStack using copyTo: a 
> specific context that is above the point of consuming events, such 
> that a resume will cause the copied stack to go away.
> Thanks for any assistance,
> Rob 
One approach would be to have a "monitor" process that forks the "event 
consumer" process. If the event consumer process terminates, the monitor 
process would restart another one. The monitoring could be with a 
semaphore that the event consumer signals in an unwind block. The 
monitor process could also watch a flag to see if the event consumer 
should be terminated or restarted.


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