Fear and loathing of the "perlification" of Smalltalk

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at gmx.de
Wed Sep 5 02:02:59 UTC 2007

Peter William Lount wrote:
> I wonder Alan, if you could, expand on what you mean by "but it needs to 
> be done at the same level as regular programming (so it can be used by 
> any base version of the language)"?

Isn't that obvious? When you add the method #frobler to Object you 
extend the language. And at the same level as regular programming. For 
example, one could consider implementing operators that way, say in a 
Prolog style, priority driven way:

Object>>plus: anObject
     <operator: #+ type: #yfx priority: 500>

Object>>minus: anObject
     <operator: #- type: #yfx priority: 500>

This implements all the semantics as plain messages but leaves operators 
as syntactic sugar on top of them. The compiler would translate "a + b" 
into "a plus: b" and the decompiler -if it knows about the plus operator 
in your system- would decompile as #+. If it didn't know about it, it 
would decompile as #plus:. Your code would depend on the "PlusMinus" 
package that other people have to load (since it contains the operator 
definitions). Etc. It's pretty straightforward.

   - Andreas

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