Fear and loathing of the "perlification" of Smalltalk

Lukas Renggli renggli at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 20:06:12 UTC 2007

> To be honest I think pragmas are starting to be overrated.  I don't
> even know where to look to see what happens when a pragma is seen.  I
> suppose it is theoretically as powerful in this particular case as
> macros, but for me the macros feel much more consistent.

What about looking for senders and implementors of the pragma selector?

> I would see pragmas as useful for the kind of things that Lisp does
> with declare, i.e. telling the compiler the type of the argument so it
> can specialize the method, tell the compiler to generate for fast
> code, not safety, and so on.  In other words, a kind of annotation,
> since that's what it looks like to me.

Things like these have been done in Philippe Marschall's master thesis:



Lukas Renggli

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