responding to ad hominem person attacks

Peter William Lount peter at
Fri Sep 14 21:18:46 UTC 2007

Note: the subject heading was "Re: Fear and loathing of the 
"perification" of Smalltalk".


General thoughts.

Maybe those making ad hominem personal attacks need to consider the 
wider ramifications of their accusations before making them. That is 
being responsible. There are consequences to the person(s) initiating an 
ad hominem attacks that some of you might not realize.

The new standard of conduct - just don't accuse people of being a 
"troll" or X in the first place for it's an ad hominem personal attack; 
furthermore it is designed to stifle opinion and suppress free speech. 
Do you want your free speech abridged? No, then don't try to suppress 

People have the right to defend their person and this right even allows 
them to make private communications public! The best option is to simply 
ask appropriate on topic questions without attacking people. If unsure 
of their intent, simply ask them what their intent is.

I'm done with this if you are.

All the best,



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