My namespace proposal described in Yet Another Try

Damien Pollet damien.pollet at
Wed Sep 19 15:19:43 UTC 2007

How would enhanced prefixes work to load several versions of the same classes ?

For Fruit::Orange and Color::Orange, we have the problem that the
English word is overloaded but the program entities could perfectly be
named OrangeFruit and OrangeColor. Your proposition makes it more
practical to invent and work with unique names indeed, but if I
understand correctly, your proposal moves the problem of clashes in
class names to clashes in prefixes.

For me, name spaces are about differentiating classes that can only
have the same name, because they actually are the same concept, only
in a different shape.

E.g., if for some reason I need to load both Seaside 2.6 and 2.8 in a
single image, I'm still stuck because they will both use Seaside:: or
WA:: as a prefix. I would need to change the prefix on the fly while
filing the code in (or loading it from MC) and, symmetrically, to
rename the client classes to use one prefix or the other.

Damien Pollet
type less, do more [ | ]

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