OmniBrowser too slow?

Damien Cassou damien.cassou at
Thu Sep 27 08:43:02 UTC 2007

2007/9/27, Michael Fremont <fremontmj at>:
> I love the features of the OmniBrowser, and was using it for a couple
> of weeks.  I had to stop using it because it was very slow; but worse,
> it may have a memory leak.
> Let me explain.  As I continued to use the browser my image size got
> much bigger, even after invoking Smalltalk garbageCollect.  I can't be
> sure this is due to the browser; but since I switched back to the
> regular browser I have no such problem.  Of course, I'm doing lots of
> things, so it could be a coincidence...

Did you use a Squeak-dev image? It may be due to DynamicProtocols.
Have a look at the preferences browser and deactivate them.

Would be cool if some people here helped us accelerate OB.

Damien Cassou

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