#fork and deterministic resumption of the resulting process

Paolo Bonzini bonzini at gnu.org
Tue Feb 5 09:06:57 UTC 2008

> This will make sure that #fork has (for the purpose of resumption) the 
> same semantics as forking at a lower priority has.
> What do people think about this?

Curiously, I prefer to have the *opposite* behavior in #fork, i.e. 
always resume the forked process if the priority is equal.  Note that 
this wouldn't be an ultimate fix, because it could lead to an equally 
wrong idiom,

         "worker is an instance variable"
         [self runWorkerProcess] fork.

         "Run the worker process"
         worker := Processor activeProcess.
         [Processor activeProcess == worker] whileTrue:[
             "...do the work..."

         "Stop the worker process"
         worker := nil. "let it terminate itself"

I'm with Terry on the correct idiom to use, i.e.

     workerProcess := [self runWorkerProcess] newProcess.
     workerProcess resume.

if you really do not want to use a separate instance variable.  Another 
possibility is to signal a Notification:

        | running |
        [running := true.
        [running] whileTrue: [ ... ]]
	   on: StopRunning
	   do: [ :ex | running := false. ex resume ].


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