Updating Mantis status

Ben Goetter goetter at mazama.net
Fri Feb 8 10:11:01 UTC 2008

From: Jerome Peace <peace_the_dreamer at yahoo.com>
>  Sorry, I've given this a lot of thought which didn't
> fit into the post. This has to do with work flow.

Seconded with a newbie's enthusiasm.

I'm more than a little confused about the Mantis workflow.  As an 
example(*), consider http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=3311, where an 
individual identifies some lossage in the existing Complex class, then 
proposes a replacement class addressing the identified problems.

In every project that I've known before, this would have been accepted 
into some build, or else deferred, or else rejected outright.  (By whom? 
  By some cabal or benevolent dictator.  All those projects have had 
such.)  Instead, this fix has simply sat there, apparently without 
comment, for the last two years.

So I don't really see how Mantis works(**).  Yes, there's a place to 
report problems.  But do fixes come out of it?  If as part of a project 
of mine I can address some open issues therein, will they ever reach the 
mainstream?  May I just step in and claim a bug on my own, filing a 
suggested fix for it?  Also, if as part of a project of mine I can 
factor out some baseline kernel improvements, should I bother proposing 
them in Mantis?  Or should I just dump those base-class amendments into 
my package and let client handle the merge themselves?  A lot of the 
latter takes place right now....

I'm not asking that anything change to accommodate my expectations.  I 
just want to understand how to work here.


(*) Okay, I admit, it's not a random example -- I don't know Mantis that 
well.  It's an issue that I know and care about.  But I'm not sending 
this mail to flog that cause, really.

(**) Corollary: I don't really see how Squeak-the-project works.  And 
yet, here it is!

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