Ensuring canvas safety (using canvas by multiple processes)

Klaus D. Witzel klaus.witzel at cobss.com
Tue Feb 12 09:41:22 UTC 2008

Hi Igor,

how long do you want your per-process variable to live? What do you want  
to do when it gets corrupted (incomplete operations due to DNU etc)?

You might want to check (as yet not used it)

- http://www.squeaksource.com/ProcessLocalStorage.html

And Seaside's (self session) variable is also an interesting solution,  
AFAIK cross-Smalltalk-dialect :)


On Tue, 12 Feb 2008 10:23:36 +0100, Igor wrote:

> On 12/02/2008, Michael van der Gulik wrote:
>> Lots, but it depends on what the problem actually is. Could you  
>> describe it
>> in more detail?
> well, when you issuing a command like:
> canvas translateBy: offset during: [ ... ].
> canvas does following:
> gl pushMatrix.
> gl translateBy: offset.
> aBlock value.
> gl popMatrix.
> operations with matrix affecting global state, if you try to draw
> anything in parallel process, while in current process you evaluating
> a block, you will be screwed up.
> Another issue is with using glBegin/glEnd pair. These commands can't
> be nested, also a number of valid GL operations inside glBegin/glEnd
> are limited.
> In general, any code, that doing like:
> gl changeSomeState.
> ..some code..
> gl revertToPreviousState.
> is potentially leading to nirvana, if you can't guarantee a proper
> order of commands, issued to OpenGL.
>> One option is to modify Canvas (or a subclass) to have a getLock method
>> which returns a Mutex (aka Semaphore) unique to that Canvas. Your code  
>> can
>> then do "mutex critical: [...]" blocks to assure atomicity.
>> However, it would seem to me that the problem is with the user of the
>> Canvas. With any canvas, you need to issue the drawing instructions in  
>> the
>> right order to preserve the z-index of the elements added. It's the  
>> user who
>> must make sure that it does not have two threads drawing in the same
>> Rectangle concurrently.
>> Don't be sparing with the use of Semaphores. Correct code is better than
>> fast code.
> That's what i fear most. Adding semaphores will kill performance :)
> In C, i can simply put a canvas var in thread-local storage, so it's
> value will be unique for each thread of execution.
> Interesting, is something like this can be done for squeak?
> So, i can write something like:
> object := Processor threadedVariable. "should it be a Smalltalk's  
> method?"
> object value: (Array new:5).
> object value "should return array with 5 elements"
> [ object value ] fork.  "object value should return nil for new
> process, since it's not initialized to anything"
> if properly implemented, a #value method can be very fast (w/o using
> dictionaries or sets).
> For instance, by adding a single variable to process , where i can
> hold references to these threaded-vars, and threadedVariable then will
> hold a slot index. Then #value can be:
> value
> ^ Processor currentProcess slotAt: slotNum
> Process slotAt: num
>   ^ slots at: num ifAbsent: [nil].

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