Swazoo 2.1 web server released

Janko Mivšek janko.mivsek at eranova.si
Tue Jan 8 15:38:45 UTC 2008

Hi Edgar,

Edgar J. De Cleene wrote:

> We look for this selling points.
> A Swiki builded on top of Swazoo (maybe plus Aida Web)

Well, then stay tuned for Aida/Scribo :) Aida/Scribo will be a CMS core 
and plugins for wikis, websites, blogs, forums, ...

> A very simple turn based web game.
> Server should generate a "pause" or a "step" screen (see later)
>> Did you mean such authentication or something else?
> I mean some really simply as
> ma := ModuleAssembly core.
>     coreMod := ma currentModule.
>     ma
>         logTo: (KomLogger
>                 on: Transcript).
>     authdb := KomAuthDb new.
>     authdb addUser: 'Edgar' withPassword: 'squeak'.
>     authdb addUser: 'Janko' withPassword: 'swazoo'.
> Then In Comanche I check you and me are valid users.

I think user authentication is better served with web frameworks on top 
of Swazoo, because it is tightly connected with authorization, access 
rights, session management and similar.

We actually thought about that when we started developing Swazoo but 
didn't agree on a way how to do that. And time showed that it was better 
that authentication stayed out of Swazoo.

Best regards

Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server

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