Programmatically save image, and also do it periodically

tim Rowledge tim at
Tue Jan 8 23:30:56 UTC 2008

On 8-Jan-08, at 2:26 PM, itsme213 wrote:

> "Tom Phoenix" <rootbeer at> wrote in message
>> Why does your image freeze so often? Do you know about using
>> Command-period (or Alt-period) to interrupt a long-running process?
> I don't know, some were from bugs in my code called from the  
> browser, others
> seemed like very strange mouse glitches. I got some "event buffer  
> overflow"
> display on the bottom of the window; and Alt-. did nothing. It's  
> been mostly
> good, but when it's bad it can hurt, specially for someone not  
> familiar with
> the nuances of manual recovery.
> Auto-save, here I come ... :-)
Beware of the dangers herein. If you make some dangerous change and it  
auto-saves ... you've now got a live image with the dangerous state  
and a saved image with the dangerous state.

tim Rowledge; tim at;
Useful Latin Phrases:- Die dulci fruere = Have a nice day

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