Writing a large Collection of integers to a file fast

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Sat Jan 26 18:42:51 UTC 2008

On Jan 26, 2008, at 18:44 , Ramon Leon wrote:

>> If you have only small integers and free memory, the fastest
>> method (just one i/o) would be
>>   | memory fOut |
>>   memory := Bitmap new: 6 * 1000 * 1000.
>>   memory atAllPut: SmallInteger maxVal.
>>   [(fOut := StandardFileStream newFileNamed: 'f.out')
>> 	nextPutAll: memory asByteArray]
>>    ensure: [fOut close]
>> You can fill the memory instance with #integerAt:put:
>> /Klaus

The original post asked for printed numbers, not binary 32 bit big- 
endian numbers.

> On a side note, watching this thread, I'm a bit curious why  
> everyone is
> manually closing their files, why not...
>     | memory |
>     memory := Bitmap new: 6 * 1000 * 1000.
>     memory atAllPut: SmallInteger maxVal.
>     FileStream
>         newFileNamed: 'f.out'
>         do:[:f | f nextPutAll: memory asByteArray]
> Why is everyone ignoring that every file open method has a  
> corresponding
> #do: that encapsulates the close and removes the need for a temp?

Because that's a rather new addition (since 3.9 maybe?) that won't  
work in many images.

- Bert -

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