Unique all characters?

nicolas cellier ncellier at ifrance.com
Mon Jan 28 22:01:56 UTC 2008

Yoshiki Ohshima a écrit :
>   Eliot,
>> (Alternatives that are indexed by integers might also work well, e.g. a flat WeakValueDictionary that used a WeakArray
>> for its values).
>   Yes, there would be no reason to do basicNew.
>   But I need to ask the same question Colin asked; what would we gain?
> For most of the time, characters are in strings so there are not many
> real instances around.  For writing a parser (hmm) it might make
> things a bit faster, but not much.
>   Tagged immediate character objects would have been ok (like
> VisualWorks), but it puts some pressure on integers...

Sure, 1 bit less.
This has to be thought again when 64 bits Squeak will spread.


> -- Yoshiki

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