Editing class method sources in single place

Blake blake at kingdomrpg.com
Thu Jan 31 02:58:50 UTC 2008

On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 16:22:30 -0800, tim Rowledge <tim at rowledge.org> wrote:

> Many browsers open at once solves that problem much more effectively.

I find that I: a) run out of screen space quickly; b) need to revert to  
the mouse to switch browsers; c) if I try solve (a) by collapsing, I end  
up with even more mouse clicks at (b). Maybe there's a hot-key for  
switching conveniently that I'm missing, but in my experience ST is pretty  
keyboard hostile.

Something like what John Hyland describes--stack based, so that the window  
shows the latest methods you've been working on--seems like it would be  
very useful, and having a single screen of code (that could actually be  
debugged, so you could look at how the code moves without the visually  
distracting flipping that occurs) would be very useful for teaching.

Conceptually, this wouldn't even need to be that different from the  
regular browser, really, just a browser that showed code from more than  
one method at once.

Jason Johnson wrote:

"Just an observation of human nature.  Someone comes into something new
and assumes it's just like something else they know and can be used
the same way.  They hit little bumps here and there but not enough to
make them stop and think.  It's not until the crash into a brick wall
that they stop and either (a) assume this new thing sucks, leave it
and never look back or (b) realize maybe things are different here and
go out and learn the new thing."

	You say this almost like it's a bad thing. It's only bad when people do  
(a), and if they do (a) anyway, moving the brick wall up so that they hit  
it right at the beginning makes it more likely that they're going to think  
that it sucks, because there's not enough time for anything new to  
insinuate itself in to their thought processes.

	I love Smalltalk: It's informed my programming for 15 years now. But it  
does not suit the way I work at all. I write tiny little routines and  
objects in all the languages I work in (even in procedural languages) but  
I can write a lot more a lot quicker if I don't have to take my hands off  
the keyboard.


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