[squeak-dev] Squeaklets on USB flash

K. K. Subramaniam subbukk at gmail.com
Fri Jul 4 10:28:22 UTC 2008


ProjectLoading saves a copy of all loaded projects in Squeaklets directory 
even when the files come from local sources. This is annoying when running 
Squeak off a flash memory chip. The attached change set skips this caching 

This change is rather harsh and will increase loading latency those who 
save/load projects off a remote server. I suspect such folks would already 
have a proxy caching server. Does anyone have a better idea?

-------------- next part --------------
'From etoys3.0 of 24 February 2008 [latest update: #2047] on 4 July 2008 at 3:49:34 pm'!

!ProjectLoading class methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'kks 7/4/2008 15:33'!
morphOrList: aFileName stream: preStream fromDirectory: aDirectoryOrNil archive: archive
	"Answer morphOrList or nil if problem happened"
	|  projStream localDir morphOrList |
	projStream _ archive
		ifNil: [preStream]
		ifNotNil: [self projectStreamFromArchive: archive].
	(self checkSecurity: aFileName preStream: preStream projStream: projStream)
		ifFalse: [^nil].
	"localDir _ Project squeakletDirectory.
	aFileName ifNotNil: [
		(aDirectoryOrNil isNil or: [aDirectoryOrNil pathName
~= localDir pathName]) ifTrue: [
			localDir deleteFileNamed: aFileName.
			(localDir fileNamed: aFileName) binary
				nextPutAll: preStream contents;
	morphOrList _ projStream asUnZippedStream.
	preStream sleep.		"if ftp, let the connection close"
	^ morphOrList
! !

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