[squeak-dev] Re:[Newbies] loading .morph files

Jerome Peace peace_the_dreamer at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 21 15:54:01 UTC 2008

[squeak-dev] Re:[Newbies] loading .morph files

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar 
Fri Jul 18 08:43:26 UTC 2008 

Hi Edgar,

I remembered that you had put the fix in SqueakLightII.
I smiled and then corrected Two by adding
"for the official squeak distribution".

If I were squeak I would be embarassed to be officially released 
without the fix for such a visible bug. :-/

Cheers amigo, -Jer
>> Two, I have not found anyone willing to care about harvesting the fix
>> for the official squeak distribution despite attempts.
>> You have helped by finding an complaining about the problem.
>I have your fix in SqueakLightII , the unofficial 3.11.
>And I send mails to "people in charge" saying you fix (and also tons of
>rotting relevants mantis reports should be in some official release.
>Waiting the future is different to work now and have one .



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