[squeak-dev] Re: benchmarks

nicolas cellier ncellier at ifrance.com
Tue Mar 18 21:49:56 UTC 2008

nicolas cellier a écrit :
> nicolas cellier a écrit :
>> Don't know if it fits the rules of the game however...
> Of course not.

However, it's still very easy to improve Squeak sieve:

inside loop that set all multiple to false IS NOT OPTIMIZED!

	arguments size = 3
		ifTrue: [increment _ arguments at: 2.
				(increment isConstantNumber and:
					[increment literalValue ~= 0]) ifFalse: [^ false]]
		ifFalse: [increment _ encoder encodeLiteral: 1].

Well, increment is a temporary variable, not a literal constant...
So transformToDo: refuses to optimize.

So a much faster Squeak sieve that fits game rules is:

[Time millisecondsToRun: [| n k count isPrime |
    n := (1 bitShift: 9) * 10000.
    count := 0.
    isPrime := Array new: n withAll: true.
    2 to: n do:
       [:i |
       (isPrime at: i) ifTrue:
          [k := i.
          [(k := k+i) > n] whileFalse: [isPrime at: k put: false].
          count := count + 1]].
]] ensure: [Smalltalk garbageCollect.]

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