[squeak-dev] Re: Algernon issues with sq3.10-7159dev08.05.2

Igor Stasenko siguctua at gmail.com
Wed May 28 19:18:28 UTC 2008

A todo list how to uninstall it.

First, add a

Algernon class>>clearTems
	DefaultAlgertems := nil

then do:

Algernon clearTems.

SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance noMoreNotificationsFor: Algernon
allInstances first.
Algernon allInstances first delete.
Smalltalk garbageCollect.
self assert: Algernon allInstances size = 0.

Installer unload: 'Algernon'

but still OB keeps referencing ObsoleteMessyThings. Don't know how to
flush this.

Also i noticed that my dev image constantly grows and grows no matter
what i do..
Need some advice how to flush OB weak refs and history etc.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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