[squeak-dev] Re: [Pharo-project] Sake Basic Documentation

Stéphane Ducasse stephane.ducasse at inria.fr
Tue Nov 11 15:29:18 UTC 2008


I should really use Sake to understand it further.
Now what is clear to me is that I like the idea. We need something to  
write build script.

Now for the classTasks, I'm a bit worried that we can do this kind of  
becuse it means that depending on the task used to create a given  
we can have a side effect method removed, added, class added ....

> Class Tasks
> ===========
> In the following examples #Cup is used where the class Cup, is not
> guaranteed to exist.
> task dependsOn:{ (SakeTask class: #Cup) exists }
> "create a needed class"
> task dependsOn:{ (SakeTask class: Object) subclass: #Cup }
> "create a needed class"
> task dependsOn:{ (SakeTask class: Object)
> 				subclass: #Cup category:'Demo'}
> task dependsOn:{ (SakeTask class: #Cup)
> 				removeSelector: #tmp }
> task dependsOn:{ (SakeTask class: #Cup)
> 				removeSelectorsMatching: '*' }
> task dependsOn:{ (SakeTask class: #Cup)
> 				removeSelectorsMatching: '*' }
> task dependsOn:{ (SakeTask class: #Cup) ifExistsDo: [ :c | c rename:
> #Glass ]  }
> MetaData
> ========
> Each Sake task contains a dictionary, SakeInfo that can be used simply
> to store any arbitrary metadata.
> task info someField: someValue.
> Sake-Packages uses metadata extensively, in this case the typical use
> pattern is begin with a subclass of SakeTask and to define the generic
> task on the class side and the metadata on the instance side.
> SakeTask subclass: MakeADrink.
> MakeADrink classSide >> #taskPourADrink: aDrink
> self define: [ :task |
> 	task perform: aDrink.
> 	task if: [ Bar containsBottle: task info name ].
> 	task action: [ Glass add: (task info name). ].
> ].
> Documentation Methods
> =====================
> Subclasses of SakeTask, utilise a specialised compiler, which allows  
> raw
> text to be stored in instance side methods following six quotes.  
> """"""
> aTaskClass at: selector category: cat putMethod: code doc: content
> aTaskClass docAt: selector.
> This is used by the Mantis package to pull raw data from mantis, so  
> that
> subsequent tasks can process that data.
> SakeSignal and trace:
> =====================
> If a task needs to communicate with the outside context, it can  
> sends a
> SakeSignal, a utility method is provided for this.
> task lookup: #aSelector.
> The outside context can return a value, by defining an exception  
> handler
> for SakeSignal.
> The default implementation of #trace: is used in Sake-Tests for a task
> to signal to the outside testing context what it is doing. Tasks send
> #trace: and the SakeTaskTest runCaseWith: block, defines an exception
> handler to collect the signalled values so as to record the actions of
> the tasks. For the tests to pass all of the required actions must have
> been signalled.
> SakeStep and SakeStop
> =====================
> task step: 'Are you Sure'.
> Signals a notifier to request confirmation.
> task stop: 'It Broke'.
> Finishes processing.
> Task Extensions
> ===============
> In the same manner as magritte. A class side task definition may be
> extended by another package.
> #taskDoThis, may be extended by adding the extension method,
> #taskDoThisAndAlso: task.
> 	task addDependency: [ ... ].
> 	task addAction: [...].
> Answering Notifications
> =======================
> Tasks are wrapped in notification handlers, to use them:
> task answer: '*password*' with: 'secret'.
> ================================
> Sake.
> Below is a SakeTask as generated from the universes package  
> definition.
> What follows is a "method", in the class PackagesSqueak310U.
> So here is a Sake Task Definition for Seaside.... (info is simply a
> dictionary for non-essential meta information)
> ----------
> PackagesSqueak310U -i- Seaside
>   self name: 'Seaside'.
>   info category: 'Web Development'.
>   info description:
> 'A framework for building sophisticated web applications in Squeak.
> Develop for the web using reusable, embeddable components and unique
> call/return semantics for moving between pages.'.
>   info maintainer: 'Lukas Renggli <renggli at gmail.com>'.
>   info homepage: 'http://www.seaside.st/'.
>   info squeakMapID: ''.
>   info url: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/Seaside/Seaside2.8a1-lr.522.mcz' 
> .
>   info version: '2.8.522'.
>   info provides: #().
>   self dependsOn: #('KomHttpServer').
>   self load: [
>       Installer
> installUrl:'http://www.squeaksource.com/Seaside/Seaside2.8a1-lr.522.mcz' 
> .
>   ].
>   self unloadDependsOn: { self taskUnloadDependants }.
>   self unload: [
>       Installer unload: 'Seaside'.
>   ].
> -------------
> Notice that we have an unload block as well as a load block! This is a
> new and very experimental feature, we can now define unload scripts  
> for
> each package, and Sake/Packages provides a way to capture and publish
> them for some or all image versions. Indeed this feature is barely
> tested, I mention it here simply to intoduce the concept.
> usage:
> PackagesSqueak310 new Seaside load.  or,  (PackagesSqueak310
> named:'Seaside') load.
> PackagesSqueak310 new Seaside unload. or,  (PackagesSqueak310
> named:'Seaside') unload.
> Packages/Sake is also supported by Installer in a manner similar to
> universes support, e.g.
> Installer sake addPackage: 'PackagesA'; addPackage: 'PackageB';  
> install.
> enjoy...
> best regards
> Keith
> p.s. to load
> Installer install: 'Packages'.
> ==========
> Addendum: Sake/Packages no longer uses blocks as standard, but the
> principle is the same.
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