[squeak-dev] SVI and Vim

Tobias Pape Das.Linux at gmx.de
Sat Oct 4 00:49:15 UTC 2008

Hello —,
Am 2008-10-02 um 15:00 schrieb Jason Rogers:

> vi-like editing is not just for large text processing.  If you are
> used to vi's navigation style, for instance, you are probably much
> quicker using h, j, k, l, w, f(N), d(N), y, p, etc. than CMD+Arrow (or
> is it CTRL+Arrow, or wait maybe it's Alt+Arrow, ah nuts -- just reach
> for the mouse).
> The decision to use vi or not has nothing to do with the size of the
> method.  It's a productivity choice -- and for me, it's mostly muscle
> memory.


And (with no intention to start a flame war) emacs keybindings would be
nice, either.
This is not only influenced by using Emacs, but also by the fact that my
major OSes support such keys by default in their editing environments
(i. e. Linux and Mac OS X).

so long,

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