[squeak-dev] Re: Specifying with a TestCase

nicolas cellier ncellier at ifrance.com
Thu Sep 25 23:34:13 UTC 2008

HeHe, forgot the declaration of temps:

| finalizationProbe o1 o2
	implyBothRegisteredActionsAreExecuted |

are Worth a method comment!

nicolas cellier a écrit :
> I want to relate here a discussion taking place at 
> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=6347
> Thanks to Norbert Hartl for his collaboration and time devoted to it.
> The subject is how to write a system specification TestCase.
> The example taken from the bug report is to clearly express this rule:
> "For every pair (o1,o2) of equal objects (o1=o2),
> of different identity (o1~~o2),
> registering an action for each object of the pair at finalization,
> shall trigger both actions upon finalization."
> I put here a new attempt with self documenting code:
> finalizationProbe := Set new.
> o1 := 'hello' copy.
> o2 := 'hello' copy.
> forAnyTwoEqualObjects := [o1 = o2].
> ofDifferentIdentity := [o1 ~~ o2].
> registeringAnActionAtFinalizationForEachObject := [
>     o1 toFinalizeSend: #add: to: finalizationProbe
>         with: 'first hello finalized'.
>     o2 toFinalizeSend: #add: to: finalizationProbe
>         with: 'second hello finalized'].
> thenForcingFinalizationOfObjects := [
>     o1 := o2 := nil. Smalltalk garbageCollect].
> implyBothRegisteredActionsAreExecuted := [finalizationProbe size = 2].
> self
>     assert: forAnyTwoEqualObjects;
>     assert: ofDifferentIdentity;
>     should: [
>         registeringAnActionAtFinalizationForEachObject value.
>         thenForcingFinalizationOfObjects value.
>         implyBothRegisteredActionsAreExecuted value].
> Preamble longer than pure English, and the #value are a bit parasitic...
> And why using leading assertions? They are not the goal of the test...
> Well, the TestCase don't prove the implication by itself.
> It just tells whether verified or not for some objects.
> Assertions are there to clearly states that the rule is not meant to be 
> casually true for some objects, but shall apply to any objects verifying 
> the pre-condition.
> They are the left member of the implication we want to verify.
> They are also self-protecting the TestCase (if ever the two objects 
> chosen become identical or not equal after a refactoring).
> I think they have their place here.
> Trusting the comments does work as well and leads to a shorter code:
> "For every pair of equal objects of different identity,"
>     o1 := 'hello' copy.
>     o2 := 'hello' copy.
> "when both are registering an action at finalization,"
>     finalizationProbe := Set new.
>     o1 toFinalizeSend: #add: to: finalizationProbe
>         with: 'first hello finalized'.
>     o2 toFinalizeSend: #add: to: finalizationProbe
>         with: 'second hello finalized'.
>     self assert: finalizationProbe size = 0.
> "upon finalization..."
>     o1 := o2 := nil. Smalltalk garbageCollect
> "...both actions shall be triggered"
>     self assert: finalizationProbe size = 2.
> Or see excellent variation from Norbert with a pair. Small is beautiful.
> But notions of equal objects (o1 = o2) and different identity (o1 ~~ o2) 
> are very much implicit here.
> Good for readability, but is it a clear rationale for using 
> IdentityDictionary?
> Sure, the whole discussion is overkill!
> Regarding productivity, including time to discuss how to write tests, 
> rules shall better not change too fast! Reserved to a stable Kernel...
> Or a Smalltalk academy rewriting the Kernel every 100 years or so.
> I wonder if we can specify a whole Smalltalk Kernel like this by the 
> way? (If we cannot specify a method, then throw it away!).
> I wish this example serve as a mirror to reflect our own practices.
> Do we really write TestCase with specifications in mind?
> Can they serve as a rationale for an implementation?
> Which readers are the TestCase addressed to?
> Not sure i can understand every TestCase intention in the image... 
> Shouldn't I?
> Nicolas

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