3.10.2 Forever ? (was Re: [squeak-dev] How to get a Trunk image)

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Mon Sep 7 20:44:03 UTC 2009

Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.11alpha of 1 September 2009 [latest update: #7168] on 1 September 2009 at 9:07:16 am'!
"Change Set:		7234
Date:			11 August 2009
Author:			Edgar J. De Cleene

First step to synch with trunk"
ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 new installtrunk.
ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 new updatePackages: 'MonticelloConfigurations-ar.58.mcz'.!

-------------- next part --------------
'From SqueakLight|II of 31 May 2008 [latest update: #7237] on 12 August 2009 at 9:36:15 am'!

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10 methodsFor: 'managing updates' stamp: 'edc 8/12/2009 09:27'!
	MCFileBasedRepository flushAllCaches.
	MCDefinition clearInstances.
	Smalltalk garbageCollect.
	"Initialization required for tests: strange why this is not a teardwon
	method "
	"SendCaches initializeAllInstances"! !

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.10beta of 22 July 2007 [latest update: #7159] on 5 September 2009 at 8:19:02 am'!

!MCPackageLoader methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'edc 9/1/2009 03:37'!
useChangeSetNamed: baseName during: aBlock
    "Use the named change set, or create one with the given name."
    | changeHolder oldChanges newChanges csName |

    changeHolder := (ChangeSet respondsTo: #newChanges:)
                        ifTrue: [ChangeSet]
                        ifFalse: [Smalltalk].
    oldChanges := (ChangeSet respondsTo: #current)
                        ifTrue: [ChangeSet current]
                        ifFalse: [Smalltalk changes].
csName := (SystemVersion current highestUpdate + 1) asString,baseName.
    newChanges := (ChangesOrganizer changeSetNamed: csName) ifNil: [ ChangeSet new name: csName ].
    changeHolder newChanges: newChanges.
    [aBlock value] ensure: [changeHolder newChanges: oldChanges].
SystemVersion current registerUpdate: SystemVersion current highestUpdate + 1
! !

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.11alpha of 5 September 2009 [latest update: #7172] on 5 September 2009 at 8:31 am'!
"Change Set:		7173Starting trunk
Date:			5 September 2009
Author:			Edgar J. De Cleene

Trying to have upadted image with numbered change sets of any coming fron trunk"
Trnascript open.
MethodContext instVarNames at: 2 put: 'closureOrNil'.
MCMcmUpdater updateFromRepositories: #(

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.9 of 17 July 2009 [latest update: #7159] on 17 July 2009 at 7:17:57 pm'!
"Change Set:		7068AdvanceToThreeDotTenAlpha
Date:			17 July 2009
Author:			Edgar J. De Cleene


"Offer the chance to advance the version number."
(self confirm: 'There are no further updates for Squeak 3.10.
Do you wish to advance to version 3.11alpha?
[Yes] Your system will be marked as 3.11alpha, and you will
subsequently receive ''test pilot'' updates for 3.11.
[No] Your system will be marked as 3.10, allowing you
to receive only final fixes for the 3.10 stable release.
[Neither] You may choose No, and immediately quit without saving,
allowing you to make a backup copy before adopting this change.
DO YOU WANT TO ADVANCE to Version 3.11alpha now?')
	ifTrue: [SystemVersion newVersion: 'Squeak3.11alpha'.
			SystemVersion current date: Time now asDate.
			self inform: 'You may now save this Version 3.11alpha image
and retrieve updates again for 3.11alpha and beyond.']
	ifFalse: [self inform: 'You may now save this Version 3.10 final image.
- - - - -
(If you quit without saving now, your image will revert to
3.10 without any of the updates you just loaded)']!

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.11alpha of 1 September 2009 [latest update: #7163] on 1 September 2009 at 9:18:36 am'!
ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10 subclass: #ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'ReleaseBuilder'!

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'cleaning' stamp: 'edc 7/16/2009 19:48'!
" ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 new cleanupPhaseFinal "
| tasks |
    tasks := OrderedCollection new
                add: [Smalltalk removeEmptyMessageCategories];
                add: [Workspace
                        allSubInstancesDo: [:each | each setBindings: Dictionary new]];
                add: [Undeclared removeUnreferencedKeys];
                add: [Categorizer sortAllCategories];
                add: [Symbol compactSymbolTable];
	add: [#(#TheWorldMenu #FileServices #AppRegistry #Preferences #FileList )
		do: [:cl | (Smalltalk at: cl) removeObsolete]]; add:[Flaps freshFlapsStart]; add:[MCFileBasedRepository flushAllCaches];
                 add: [PackageOrganizer default unregisterPackageNamed: 'FlexibleVocabularies'.Command zapObsolete.HandMorph releaseCachedState;
	initForEvents.self fixObsoleteReferences];
                add: [Smalltalk forgetDoIts.

	DataStream initialize.
	Behavior flushObsoleteSubclasses.

	"The pointer to currentMethod is not realy needed (anybody care to fix this) and often holds on to obsolete bindings"
	MethodChangeRecord allInstancesDo: [:each | each noteNewMethod: nil].Smalltalk garbageCollectMost];
        informUserDuring: [:bar | tasks
                do: [:block |
                    bar value: block printString.
                    [block value]
                        on: Error
                        do: [:error | Transcript show: error;
 SystemNavigation default obsoleteClasses isEmpty
        ifTrue: [SmalltalkImage current saveSession]
        ifFalse: [SystemNavigation default obsoleteClasses
                do: [:each | [PointerFinder on: each]
                        on: Error
                        do: [:error | Transcript show: error; cr]]].
                        self cleanUnwantedCs

! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'cleaning' stamp: 'edc 7/16/2009 17:37'!
self cleanUnwantedCs.
                "SMSqueakMap default clearCaches."
" Commented out for no Undeclared on image "
#(zapMVCprojects zapAllOtherProjects discardFlash discardFFI
computeImageSegmentation discardSpeech ) do:[:ea| 
SystemDictionary removeSelector:ea].
#( reserveUrl: saveAsResource saveDocPane saveOnURL saveOnURL:
saveOnURLbasic isTurtleRow objectViewed inATwoWayScrollPane) do:[:ea| 
Morph removeSelector: ea].

#(playfieldOptionsMenu presentPlayfieldMenu allScriptEditors
attemptCleanupReporting: modernizeBJProject
scriptorForTextualScript:ofPlayer:) do:[:ea| 
PasteUpMorph removeSelector:   ea].
#(isUniversalTiles noteDeletionOf:fromWorld: scriptorsForSelector:inWorld: tilesToCall: handMeTilesToFire) do:[:ea| 
Player removeSelector:   ea].
Player class removeCategory: 'turtles'.
Player removeCategory: 'slots-user'.
Morph removeCategory: 'scripting'.
ColorType removeCategory: 'tiles'.
TheWorldMainDockingBar removeSelector: #hideAllViewersIn: .
#(test1 test2) do:[:ea|
WorldWindow class removeSelector:   ea].
SystemOrganization removeCategoriesMatching: 'UserObjects'.
FileList2 class organization classify: #morphicViewOnDirectory: under: 'morphic ui'.
FileList2 class organization classify: #morphicView under: 'morphic ui'.
SystemOrganization classifyAll: #(AbstractMediaEventMorph ColorSwatch) under: 'MorphicExtras-AdditionalSupport'.
Morph class organization classify: #isTileScriptingElement under: '*Unload-scripting'
Morph class organization classify: #partName:categories:documentation:sampleImageForm: under: '*Unload-eToys-new-morph participation'! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'sources managment' stamp: 'edc 2/12/2008 09:04'!
" ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 new createCompressedSources"
| unzipped nameToUse zipped buffer dir |
ProtoObject allSubclassesWithLevelDo:[:cl :l| 
	dir := self createDirIfnotExists:cl category.
	Cursor write showWhile: [nameToUse :=  cl printString .
		(dir fileExists: nameToUse) ifFalse:[
			unzipped :=RWBinaryOrTextStream on: ''.
			unzipped header; timeStamp.
	 cl  fileOutOn: unzipped moveSource: false toFile: 0.
	unzipped trailer.
			unzipped reset.
			zipped := dir newFileNamed: (nameToUse, FileDirectory dot, ImageSegment compressedFileExtension).
	zipped binary.
	zipped := GZipWriteStream on: zipped.
	buffer := ByteArray new: 50000.
	'Compressing ', nameToUse displayProgressAt: Sensor cursorPoint
		from: 0 to: unzipped size
			[unzipped atEnd] whileFalse:[
				bar value: unzipped position.
				zipped nextPutAll: (unzipped nextInto: buffer)].
			zipped close.
			unzipped close]]]] startingLevel: 0! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'sources managment' stamp: 'edc 2/12/2008 07:43'!
createDirIfnotExists: aDirName
(FileDirectory default directoryExists:aDirName)
		ifFalse: [FileDirectory default createDirectory: aDirName].
	^FileDirectory default directoryNamed: aDirName! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'squeakThreeEleven' stamp: 'edc 2/5/2008 07:21'!
| gf |
gf := GradientFillStyle  ramp: {0.0->(Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) .
1.0->(Color r: 0.0 g: 0.658 b: 0.474)}.
	gf	origin: 0 @ 0;
		direction: 0 at 400;
		normal: 640 at 0;
		radial: false.
World fillStyle: gf! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'squeakThreeEleven' stamp: 'edc 9/1/2009 09:18'!
	"ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 new makeSqueakThreeTenEleven"
	Transcript open.
	self cleanupPhasePrepare
	"World removeAllMorphs."
! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'squeakThreeEleven' stamp: 'edc 6/5/2008 08:12'!
saveInLadrillos: packageName 
	| monti ances repo montiNames |
	monti := MCWorkingCopyBrowser new.
	repo := MCHttpRepository
				location: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/Ladrillos'
				user: ''
				password: ''.
	montiNames := repo readableFileNames.
	(SystemOrganization categoriesMatching: packageName , '*')
		do: [:cat | 
			| workingCopy | 
			PackageInfo registerPackageName: cat asString.
			workingCopy := MCWorkingCopy
						forPackage: (MCPackage new name: cat asString).
			workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: repo.
			repo user
				ifEmpty: [repo
						user: (UIManager default request: 'Ladrillos Repository username').
						password: (UIManager default request: 'Ladrillos Repository  password')].
			ances := montiNames
						detect: [:ea | ea beginsWith: cat asString]
						ifNone: [].
				ifNil: [repo
						storeVersion: (workingCopy newVersionWithName: workingCopy uniqueVersionName message: 'Starting Morphic partition')].
			monti workingCopyListChanged; changed: #workingCopySelection; changed: #repositoryList]! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'unloadPackages' stamp: 'edc 2/5/2008 07:56'!
" this is how I build Tests-edc.35 for unload "
| classList |

classList := OrderedCollection new.
	#(TestCase TestResource) do: [:cl|  (Smalltalk at:  cl)
		allSubclassesWithLevelDo: [:c :i | classList addFirst: c]
		startingLevel: 0].		
	Smalltalk organization addCategory: 'Tests-Others'.
	 classList select: [:ea| ((ea basicCategory asString) match: '*Test*') not] thenDo: [:any|  SystemOrganization classify: any name under: 'Tests-Others'].

! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'unloadPackages' stamp: 'edc 6/2/2008 09:33'!
"ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 new  prepareToUnloadTraits"
SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance
noMoreNotificationsFor: ProvidedSelectors current;
noMoreNotificationsFor: RequiredSelectors current;
noMoreNotificationsFor: LocalSends current.
self unloadTraitsStubOutAcessors.

[ClassDescription subclass: #Metaclass
instanceVariableNames: 'thisClass'
classVariableNames: ' '
poolDictionaries: ' '
category: 'Kernel-Classes'.
ClassDescription subclass: #Class
instanceVariableNames: 'subclasses name classPool sharedPools environment category'
classVariableNames: ' '
poolDictionaries: ' '
category: 'Kernel-Classes'.
] on: Warning do: [:warning | warning resume].

Smalltalk allTraits do: [:trait | trait removeFromSystem. trait := nil].
"Recompile all methods that were part of a trait"
SystemNavigation default allBehaviorsDo: [:class | class selectorsAndMethodsDo: [:sel :method | class ~~ method methodClass ifTrue: [class recompile: sel]. method := nil]. class := nil].
"Remove references to traits from various places in the code"
self unloadTraits! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'unloadPackages' stamp: 'edc 4/11/2008 04:41'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #BookMorphandFriends.

SystemOrganization classifyAll: #( BookMorph BookPageSorterMorph BookPageThumbnailMorph BooklikeMorph FlexMorph FloatingBookControlsMorph KedamaMorph MethodMorph  MorphThumbnail   StoryboardBookMorph ) under: 'BookMorphandFriends'.
! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'unloadPackages' stamp: 'edc 7/16/2009 19:48'!
Smalltalk removeClassNamed: #FlexibleVocabulariesInfo.
Smalltalk removeClassNamed: #ColorSwatch.
SystemOrganization classifyAll: #(ActorState MethodMorph Player Presenter StickySketchMorph UnscriptedPlayer SlotInformation UnscriptedCardPlayer) under: 'MorphicExtras-EToys-Scripting'.
#( actorState actorState: isPartsDonor isPartsDonor: player player:) do: [:method|
MorphExtension organization classify: method under: '*MorphicExtras-accessing' suppressIfDefault: false].
HaloMorph organization classify: #doMakeSiblingOrDup:with: under: 'Old Etoys-handles'.
HaloMorph organization classify: #doDupOrMakeSibling:with: under: 'Old Etoys-handles'.
"self loadTogether: #('Morphic-CandidatesForGo-edc.3.mcz' ) merge: false."
SystemOrganization classifyAll: #(ScriptEditorMorph TwoWayScrollPane TabSorterMorph) under:

#('*eToys-queries' '*eToys-eToy vocabularies' '*eToys-color' '*eToys-customevents-custom events' '*eToys-type vocabularies') do:[:ea| 
Vocabulary class removeCategory: ea].

#('*flexibleVocabularies-flexiblevocabularies-scripting' '*flexibleVocabularies-flexibleVocabularies' '*eToys-scripting' '*eToys-new-morph participation' '*eToys-customevents-user events') do:[:ea|
Morph class removeCategory:  ea].
#(nascentUserScriptInstance userScriptForPlayer: selector:  ) do:[:ea|
Player class removeSelector:  ea].
Smalltalk removeClassNamed: #FlexibleVocabulariesInfo.
Preferences removePreference: #allowEtoyUserCustomEvents. 
Morph organization classify: #partName:categories:documentation:sampleImageForm: under: '*MorphicExtras-new-morph participation'.
#(possiblyReplaceEToyFlaps twiddleSuppliesButtonsIn:) do: [:ea| 
Flaps class removeSelector:   ea].
Flaps clobberFlapTabList.
Flaps addStandardFlaps.
SystemOrganization classifyAll: #(ComponentLikeModel) under: 'MorphicExtras-Components'
! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'unloadPackages' stamp: 'edc 2/15/2008 10:19'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Nebraska-Refactoring'.

SystemOrganization classifyAll: #(EToyGenericDialogMorph EToyProjectDetailsMorph EToyProjectHistoryMorph EToyProjectQueryMorph EToyProjectRenamerMorph EtoyUpdatingThreePhaseButtonMorph) under: 'Nebraska-Refactoring'.
WorldState organization classify: #remoteCanvasesDo: under: '*MorphicExtras-nebraska compatible'.
! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'unloadPackages' stamp: 'edc 3/13/2008 10:29'!
#('Tests' 'SMLoader' 'SMBase' 'SUnit' 'SUnitGUI' 'ScriptLoader' 'Universes' 'Installer' 'XML-Parser' )
		do: [:ea | (MCPackage named: ea) unload].
		self fixObsoleteReferences ! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'unloadPackages' stamp: 'edc 3/13/2008 10:29'!
"ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 new unloadSomeMore2;cleanupPhaseFinal "
#('BookMorphandFriends'   )
		do: [:ea | (MCPackage named: ea) unload].self fixObsoleteReferences! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'unloadPackages' stamp: 'edc 7/16/2009 19:49'!
"ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 new unloadSomeMore3;cleanupPhaseFinal;cleanUnwantedCs "
#('MorphicExtras-Demo'  'Morphic-CandidatesForGo' 'Nebraska' 'UserObjects')
		do: [:ea | (MCPackage named: ea) unload].
		SystemOrganization removeCategoriesMatching: 'EToys*'.
		self fixObsoleteReferences! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'unloadPackages' stamp: 'edc 6/2/2008 10:14'!
	"ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 new unloadTraits"
	self saveInLadrillos: 'Traits'.
	self unloadTraitsClearRefs.
	(MCPackage named: 'Traits') unload.
	self unloadTraitsTraitsStubs.
	self fixObsoleteReferences! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'unloadPackages' stamp: 'edc 6/2/2008 09:44'!

| loader |
	loader _ CodeLoader new.
	loader baseURL:'http://installer.pbwiki.org/f/'.
	"Sources and segments can be loaded in parallel"
	loader loadSourceFiles: #('UnloadTraits-ClearRefs.cs' ).
	! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'unloadPackages' stamp: 'edc 6/2/2008 09:34'!

| loader |
	loader _ CodeLoader new.
	loader baseURL:'http://installer.pbwiki.org/f/'.
	"Sources and segments can be loaded in parallel"
	loader loadSourceFiles: #('UnloadTraits-StubOutAcessors.cs' ).
	! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'unloadPackages' stamp: 'edc 6/2/2008 09:45'!

| loader |
	loader _ CodeLoader new.
	loader baseURL:'http://installer.pbwiki.org/f/'.
	"Sources and segments can be loaded in parallel"
	loader loadSourceFiles: #('UnloadTraits-TraitsStubs.cs' ).
	! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'updates' stamp: 'edc 7/16/2009 17:38'!

" ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 new installtrunk"

	MCWorkingCopy allManagers
		do: [:each | each repositoryGroup addRepository: (MCHttpRepository new location: 'http://source.squeak.org/trunk';
					 user: 'squeak';
					 password: 'squeak')]! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'updates' stamp: 'edc 7/15/2009 16:45'!
loadLastVersion: aListOfPackageNames 
	| mcw montiNames package version |
	mcw := MCWorkingCopyBrowser new
				repository: (MCHttpRepository
						location:  'http://source.squeak.org/trunk/'
						user: ''
						password: '').
	mcw repository
		ifNotNilDo: [:repos | montiNames := repos readableFileNames].
		do: [:mo | 
			package := montiNames
						detect: [:ea | (ea findTokens: '-' ) first = mo]
						ifNone: [].
				ifNotNil: [version := mcw repository loadVersionFromFileNamed: package.
					version load]].
	^ version! !

!ReleaseBuilderFor3dot11 methodsFor: 'updates' stamp: 'edc 7/16/2009 17:38'!
	repository isNil
		ifTrue: [repository := MCHttpRepository
						location: 'http://source.squeak.org/trunk'
						user: ''
						password: ''].
	^ repository! !

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